Jeff Vidov's FULL and extensive resume is at Linkedin
Jeff's profile with resume/pics/theatre background and more at Mandy.com
Jeff now has FOUR MySpace sites AND FIVE Soundcloud sites so you can listen to every style he works in!
Hear 12 rock songs from his upcoming pop/rock 2cd set at
Hear 14 tunes form his upcoming 2cd solo jazz piano cd at his jazz MySpace
Hear 14 tunes from his upcoming progressive rock/heavy metal 2cd concept album at
hear his classical compositions-(real)orchestra music-chamber music-and classical piano performance (Bach, Brahms, Chopin) at his classical MySpace site
Jeff has a NEW Soundcloud page that show his abilities as an arranger and session keyboardist/pianist! Below you can hear Jeff' orchestra arrangements he has done on his OWN rock/pop and world music instrumental songs or for other rock bands and female folk songwriters! You can also hear him playing piano with a jazz quartet/playing piano on a jazz big band recording
Jeff Vidov Film-scoring samples
Jeff Vidov Facebook group
Jeff Vidov's upcoming cd release PROJECTS
1-- 2cd rock/pop cd--songs are all recorded/mixed--vocals are done on almost half the songs--should be 34 songs split over 2 cds--half of it is hooky rock/pop and the other half is progressive rock/pop
2--2 cd prog rock/metal OPERA--recording is completed except for lead vocals
3--2cd solo jazz piano--all improvised jazz piano music--recording completed-you can hear some of it at Jeff's jazz Soundcloud page link above!
4-2cd solo church organ improvisations--completed and mastered.
5--jeff's 1st concept album--2 cd set is story based--recording is proceeding well as of May 2015---lyrics/more gtrs/and orchestra still to be done-music is a cross between pink floyds the wall-the who's quadrophenia and dream theatre/rush
6--jeff's 2nd concept cd--is a 2 cd set set in a fantasy land with full orchestra on most songs--music is a cross between marillion/rush/floyd/dream theatre--drums and bass were completed in march 2007 (now)--vocal melodies done--lyrics/gtrs/keys/and orchestra to be done still
7--jeff's 3rd concept cd--is a 2 cd set--story is futuristic setting with robots controlling earth-- drums/bass completed in march 2007 (now)-songs/vocal melodies are written---lyrics/gtrs/keys/orchestra to be done--music is cross between coldplay/fleetwood mac/mars volta/floyd
8-jeff's 4th concept cd--is a 2cd set based on "LOVE"-will be slightly story based--drums/bass completed in march 2007--still to be done are gtrs/keys/orchestra/vocals--vocal melodies are done as well--music is cross between coldplay/spocks beard etc
9--jeff's 5th and final concept cd is a sequel to his 1st concept cd--songs and vocal melodies are written---story based VERY loosely on Dante's inferno---drums/bass will be recorded in jan-march 2016--everything else will be done eventually
1--You can hear 30 second samples from ALL OF THE 76 tracks on Jeff's 4 cd set "Arise for there are 4 paths to truth" at the website below
2--Jeff's cd is NOW available at amazon.ca--here is the link
3--Jeff's cd is ALSO available at cdbaby.com----shipping is easier and quicker for American customers to buy from cdbaby.com!! Here is the link
4--Jeff's cd is ALSO available at Tower records in the USA-here is the link--
5--You can read a review of Jeff's 4 cd on the "reviews" page of this website--just click above
NOV 2023
Jeff's THREE singles are up on all streaming/buying services and here are the links for Apple-Amazon-Bandcamp-Spotify (which I just joined) and more--Thank you all!
Jan 2020
Welcome! Jeff has moved most of his gig dates and new info to his Facebook page! Please friend him there or join 1 of his Facebook groups for new info and dates--In the meantime enjoy the resources on this page and the links to Jeff's audio and video samples! thanks!
Feb 2016
Happy New year! AS always Jeff is busy with many new fun musical projects! Here's a list of SOME of his upcoming gigs
march 20-U of t choir concert 7pm-Bruckner mass E min-playing organ!
April 9 -Legends band show elvis-cher-tom jones-.Oshawa sikorski hall 8pm
April 16- Polish club,Burlington.Elvis and Friends 7pm
April 23-Legends gig elvis-roy orbison lindsmore bar 1298 danforth
April 30-LEGENDS band Tom and Elvis-al ross- Meaford Hall 8pm
May 20-Legends band-Tom and Elvis Fergus grand theatre. 8pm
June 2,june 7, june 9--strat Andriotis-recording Hamilton-grant ave studios
July 22-23-Legends band-- Collingwood Elvis Festival.Collingwood Blue Mnt
Sept 23-Legends band-tom jones elvis-roxy theater owen sound 8pm
Sept 24-Legends band-Tom Jones and Elvis Meaford Theatre 8pm
Sept 27-Legends band-elvis in cambridge ontario
December 2,/ 2016-Legends band-Tom Jones and Elvis,Fergus grand Theatre.
Nov 2015
Heres the list of my gigs for the remainder of the year---
Nov 21-8pm-classical show with Strat Androitis-Zoetic theatre-Hamilton, ontario
Sun Nov 22-U of toronto-hart house choir -3pm at hart house-U of T
Nov 28-Bon jovi forever in Brantford--alexanders bar
Dec 4-Bonjovi/journey/bryan adams in Leamington, ontario-near Windsor
Dec 6-Guys like us-gay choir show 4pm at Zipperz in Toronto
Dec 10-Bobby Curtola in Parry Sound theatre-Legends band
dec 12-Elvis/tom jones in Grand theatre in Fergus, Ontario Legends band
Dec 13- Bobby Curtola at Midland theatre-with Legends band
dec 19--Bobby Curtola in Peterborough-with Legends band
Dec 26—bon jovi forever in newmarket col mustards
Dec 31st-bon jovi forever in oshawa—corner pocket
Jan 1st bon jovi forever at Oscars Roadhouse, Brampton
June/July 2015
Congrats to Strat Androitis and his cd "Liars incorporated" which won Best instrumental album, Best classical album and Best classical composition in the Hamilton music awards last week! This instrumental jazz/classical cd for jazz gtr/piano/violin is available at his website www.stratmusic.net and on 180 gram vinyl. I played piano on all of it and recorded a few songs on piano at Bob Doidges studio in Hamilton (Daniel Lanois' old studio) but most of my piano was done at Number 9 studios.
CBC article Hamilton music awards list of winners
Last year I was hired to play keys on a full length cd for Vaughn Shideler! with my buddy Sean Brock on drums. Follow the links on his website to purchase! CD Title is "Re-Generate" by Led By The Shepherd(band name) is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and from the website
Jeff has been working hard on his 1st concept cd the last 4-5 months! 20 songs over 2 cd's-Most of the instruments are done, but no vocals/lyrics yet. It's a sci-fi rock opera in the style of pink floyd/the who/dream theatre--it's sounding good!
Jeff's Upcoming gigs
sat june 6--played piano accompanying an opera singer from Canadian opera company at a concert at a winery
sat june 13-- Bon jovi forever at Franks in Cobourg
thurs june 11--piano recording session 2 classical pieces
sun june 21-5pm Guys like us-mens choir at Zipperz in toronto
tues july 7-bon jovi forever at casinorama -private corporate party
thurs july 9--U of T -hart house choir concert 7pm
july 18--bon jovi-muskoka private party
july 24-bon jovi in timmins
july 25-bon jovi in Kapuskassing
aug 7-bon jovi at Sauble beach
aug 22-bon jovi at Oscars in Brampton
aug 23-bon jovi at Heal festival in Brantford
April 2015
Hey all--The myspace audio links above have been CORRECTED so that they take you STRAIGHT to the audio of their respective pages--so if you're looking for Jeff's rock or jazz or classical music ALL the links work--and you can choose if you prefer to listen on SOUNDCLOUD or MYSPACE--whichever works best for your cell phone or computer!
Jeff has added TWO new SOUNDCLOUD pages of recordings you can listen to
1)His jazz page (same samples as his myspace jazz page) at
2) His session page as a pianist keyboardist/arranger/orchestrator for OTHER groups (and some his stuff too!)
Watch for Jeff's 2015 summer gig dates playing keyboards with the tribute band Bon Jovi Forever at festivals THIS SUMMER!
Oct-Dec 2014
Jeff will also be playing keyboards in the hit musical "LES MISERABLE" for Brampton music theatre at the Rose theatre in Nov 2014 and ALSO for Oshawa little theatre in late Nov/Dec 2014. Go to Brampton's music site above for tix--for Oshawa shows here's the link for tix
Earlier this year Jeff played piano on Strat Androitis guitar cd--14 instrumental classical/jazz pieces for violin, piano and jazz guitar. It's on AMAZON and itunes--go to Strat's page and follow the links to buy/download it!!
April/May 2014
Jeff was recently nominated for a THEA award by ACTCO theatre organization for best music director for the musical "Songs from a New World" by Jason Robert Brown. At the end of April Jeff will play 2nd keyboard on "Bingo the musical" at the Toronto centre for the arts, and on May 11 will play 2nd keyboard on a tribute to theatre singer Colm Wilkinson at Koerner Hall at the Royal Conservatory of music in Toronto. Jeff has also been hired to be music director for Dolly Parton's musical "9 to 5" at Theatre Scarborough in 2015 and will play piano and conduct a 12 piece orchestra for it.
Watch for Jeff's summer gig dates playing keyboards with the tribute band Bon Jovi Forever at festivals THIS SUMMER!
Dec 2013
Jeff is Music Director/pianist/vocal coach for the musical "SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD" at Theatre Aurora just outside Toronto from nov 29-dec 14--buy tickets below
Jeff continues to play piano for the U of T Hart House singers choir and the Yorkminstrels choir as well as piano for the Corktown orchestra ans keyboards/synth/backing vocals for a Bon Jovi Tribute band.
You can join Jeff's Facebook GROUP for all music info on Jeff's MUSICAL activities at
June/July 2013
Jeff has composed music for the play "FORGOTTEN VOICES" which will play at 5 outdoor parks in the west end/lakeshore area of Toronto in July 2013. Follow the link for more info --always 7pm show --information below for dates//locations
Thursday, July 4 at Jeff Healey Park, 16 Daniels Street M8Y 1L7 (Parklawn and Queensway)
Friday, July 5 at Amos Waites Park, 2445 Lake Shore Blvd. W, Toronto, ON M8V 1C5 (at Mimico Ave. and Lake Shore Blvd. W.)
Saturday, July 6 at the Assembly Hall Grounds,1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive (Kipling Avenue and Lake Shore Blvd. W.)
Sunday, July 7 at the Assembly Hall Grounds
Thursday, July 11 at Humber Bay Shores East Park, 100 Humber Bay Park Rd W M8V 3X7 (Parklawn and Lake Shore Blvd. W.)
Friday, July 12 at Humber Bay Shores East Park
Saturday, July 13 at Montgomery’s Inn Grounds, 4709 Dundas St. W., Etobicoke, ON M9A 1A8 (Dundas St. W., at Islington Ave)
Sunday, July 14 at Montgomery’s Inn Grounds
Nov 2012
"MY BOY JACK" the play that Jeff has composed music for is playing until Nov 10-2012 in Toronto. For more info and show dates go to
Jeff will be playing harpsichord with the corktown string orchestra in Toronto on their Nov 8th and dec 13th concert. Go to http://corktownchamberorchestra.com/ for more info!
July 2012
Jeff is still hard at work on his 4 different cd sets. You can hear new samples on his Soundcloud pages which were just constructed! Jeff just finished doing the music for the play "My boy Jack" which be presented by the East side players in Toronto in oct 2012--www.eastsideplayers.ca
Dec 2010
Jeff now has FOUR myspace sites so you can listen to every style he works in!
Hear 12 rock songs from his upcoming pop/rock 2cd set at
Hear 14 tunes form his upcoming 2cd solo jazz piano cd at his jazz myspace
Hear 14 tunes from his upcoming progressive rock/heavy metal 2cd concept album at
and finally hear his classical compositions-(real)orchestra music-chamber music-and classical piano performance (Bach, Brahms, Chopin) at his classical myspace site
Jeff has finished vocals on a LOT of his tunes for his CD, so we are on track FINALLY for a cd release this Sept-Nov 2010!! The releases will be as follows
3cd pop/rock set---all short catchy pop/rock tunes
2cd Concept album-prog rock/heavy metal set-----all progressive rock music/heavy metal songs/ and some instrumentals!!
1cd--set of jazz/ragtime piano solo-improvised piano music by jeff--This cd is now mixed and mastered and DONE!!! We still have to design the cd cover etc, but it came out great!!
1cd---set of improvised church organ music--very progressive rock like/but mostly classical and minimalistic type organ music (Philip glass) This cd is now DONE-mixed and mastered--still have to do the cd cover etc etc
All these cd's WILL be released by the end of this year and will be available as physical cd's and as mp3 downloads through itunes-Amazon/cdbaby
We hope everyone is having a great summer--please watch jeff's myspace site for new song uploads!!
Jan 2010
Jeff has been busy adding more songs to his ever growing cd. The cd WILL be released THIS summer 2010 no matter what--whether it is 3cd's or 4cd's we don't know!! Jeff recently mastered a recording by the Parkdale revolutionary orchestra titled "the torture memos" which is a 6piece group arty -new music--based on George Bush's torture memo's--buy it at www.parkdalerevolutionaryorchestra.com. Jeff recorded 5 new tunes in Oct 2009 and will reocrd 5 more new tunes this month and the last "new" material for this cd. Please join Jeff's email list by emailing him at jvidov@sympatico.ca ---no spam please!
April 2009
Jeff has recorded 5 more new songs for his evergrowing 4cd rock/prog rock upcoming cd. Just finished drums on these and have redone drums on 10 old tunes, doing bass now while vocalists have songs to record their voice to. Busy year-hope you are all well
July 2008
Jeff has two songs in the CBC Hockey Anthem contest and we want you to vote for Jeff! Go to www.cbc.ca and the Sports page and then search for Jeff's anthem, comment and vote for it, and rank it! Below are the titles.
1-Jeff Vidov-Hockey Night in Canada-Break the Ice
here's the link to listen to it
2-Jeff Vidov-Hockey Night in Canada-For the Love of the Game
here is the link to listen to it
Meanwhile Jeff has recorded 4 more songs to add to his ever growing 3 cd set! hope you are all having a great summer!!
April 2008
Jeff has added 5 songs to his myspace page from his upcoming album. All songs are from the pop/rock section of his upcoming cd--there are NO progressive songs there. Jeff's upcoming 2cd set will have 1 cd of pop/rock tunes and 1 cd of prog rock tunes.You can BUY these tunes at his PODSHOW page for 99cents. Link is at the TOP OF THIS PAGE
Jan 2008
jeff has been working hard on his rock cd the past 2 months and will be putting up finished songs on his myspace site soon-in the meantime he has busy teaching and finishing music on the feature horror film. Jeff has been writing jazz songs for a possible jazz concept cd to maybe be recorded this summer--POSSIBLY live at a jazz festival-we will see what happens!!
Sept 2007
Jeff has finished the full music score for one horror film and will be starting another feature horror film in mid september. Jeff is currently recording a bunch of pop/rock/folk tunes for another toronto songwriter right now in his studio for a couple weeks. Jeff will be doing a jazz quartet gig near bloor st and bathurst on sun sept 9th in toronto. Finally Jeff will be attending "wingfest" in buffalo on sept 1st-2nd and he will be consuming MANY chicken wings!! He will also be attending the music industary association convention in toronto aug 25th-26th and will jamming onstage on sat night at the reception.
Summer 2007
Jeff will playing sunday july 22nd at st clair west and caledonia street at 4-5pm with one of the latin bands he is in for the Columbiana street festival. jeff's song "Take a ride" is #2 on the rock chart at americanidol.com. Jeff is working on the complete music soundtrack for TWO feature horror movies this summer. Finally Jeff is starting a jazz trio and will doing some jazz shows in toronto soon.
Jeff has joined a couple bands to jam with this summer--and will be listing gig dates here. Four tunes by jeff have been used in an upcoming Bollywood type movie titled "The Artist". Hope you are all having a good summer!!
April 2007
Jeff has COMPLETED the drums and bass on 50 songs that make up his second, third , AND fourth concept albums--the recording took 17 full days of work and was FUN-FUN-FUN for all!! Nothing like recording 50 tunes!! Anyway.......jeff is back to work on his 3 cd set due later this year--4 NEW pop/rock songs were recorded as well that are really hooky. Jeff has some upcoming film work in the next few weeks.
Jan-March 2007
On Feb 12-"Signs of life"hits Number ONE on american idols pop chart
On Feb 4th-Sogns of life hit #23 on american idols pop chart-and "Rusted hillside" hit #17 on the world music chart
On Jan 30th 2007, Jeff hit NUMBER ONE on American Idol's World music chart for rusted hillside, a world music song on his 4 cd set called "Arise, for there are 4 paths to truth"--here's a link
On Jan 23rd, Jeff has charted 3 songs on americanidol.com--he hit #28 on the ROCK charts for "death of the marine gunner" from his forthcoming 3 cd set--he hit #30 on the CLASSICAL charts for "arise for chamber ensemble-2nd movement" and hit #37 on the WORLD music charts for "rusted hillside"--the last 2 songs ARE ON HIS 4cd SET titled "arise, for there are 4 paths to truth"-which is available for sale here, at cdbaby, and at amazon.ca. As you see above, jeff is busy recording drums and bass for his next 3 double cd concept albums
Oct/Nov 2006
Jeff has 2 films screening soon that he did the music for
"Buddy" is to be screened at the 14th Santiago International Film festival, Chile.
festival runs from 9th to 15th November 2006.
website is www.festivalcortometrajes.cl
"21 fps" is also screening Nov 17th at the 1st Annual PSU SCEC International film Festival for Exceptionalities, Penn State, USA
Jeff is doing the full score for a short 20 minute suspense film
Jeff's 2 cd rock album is coming along great--vocals are NOW being recorded--as well as finshing work on a few guitar instrumentals for the 2nd cd of progressive rock/heavy metal tunes
July 2006
Jeff received an honorable mention at the 2005 Unisong song competition in the instrumental category for "Arise-for chamber ensemble-2nd movement"--this is also the title of Jeff's 4 cd set--the piece is on the 4 cd set--hope you are all having a good summer--work on Jeff's upcoming 2 cd rock album continues--the songs just need vocals now!
Jeff Vidov has a short film titled "BUDDY" playing the Cannes film festival on May 20th in the Short Film corner, it is to be screened in one of the screening rooms and is open to all. It is a Screen East/British Film Council showcase of the shorts they have produced this year. It is geared towards Industry Folk and is part of the Cannes event. Jeff composed the complete music for the film for British director Samuel George--Jeff has previoulsy scored the music for Sam's other short film "21fps" which just played the Sprout film festival this past weekend in New York City
In other good news, Jeff has charted on CIUT's top 10 world music chart (the radio station is part of the University of Toronto) and his cd was #7 for the week of May 5th 2006--thank you to all at CIUT for playing the cd!!
May 2006
"21fps" a 20 minute film Jeff did the music for, plays the Sprout film festival in New York city on Saturday May 6th 145pm at NYU's Cantor film centre. please check the website for more info www.gosprout.org---hope everyone enjoys the film!!
Jeff did a 30 minute onair radio interview with York University's radio station CHRY 105.5 FM on monday May 1st from 3-330pm-hope you all heard it--thanks so much to Roy and York University for the chance to talk about the 4 cd set!--they played 3 pieces from the cd. Jeff has receieved his first review of the cd from Whole Note magazine in Toronto, Canada--they give a great review-below are some quotes
"Jeff Vidov's multi cd set is one of the most audacious projects to be heard or seen in a long time.......As a Torontonian, Mr Vidov undoubtably tries to pull out of Gould's shadow with this set, and Vidov's Goldbergs are neither as quirky as Gould's nor as stainless-steel polished as Hewitt's.....to Chopin--here Vidov ventures into the realm of the virtuoso successfully, and it is worth hearing...Awaken (Jeff's 11 minute orchestra piece) is a work that Vidov can be proud of, and the orchestra shows discipline in this performance.......strong work:Vidov is to be commended"-the full review is on the reviews page of this website--here is a link to the pdf of the magazines website--the review is on page 72 of the 83 page pdf
April 2006
Jeff Vidov's 4cd set "Arise, for there are 4 paths to truth" will be available soon at more online stores, including amazon.ca, hmv.ca, chapters.ca, indigo.ca and many others. You will also be able to walk in and order the cd soon at all of these stores and MANY more across Canada--this should be available by the end of April.
We are ALMOST at 20,000 hits here at jeffvidov.com!! Keep those hits coming!! al....most.....there.........
Jeff's 4 cd set "Arise, for there are four paths to truth" is starting to get radio play at York University's radio station (CHRY 105.5fm) and CIUT ( University of Toronto), CBC, and Sirius satellite radio--email these stations and request Jeff's music on their classical/jazz format!! Hopefully more stations will play it to come as they get to the cd!! Thanks to ALL the stations for playing the cd!! Jeff will be doing an on-air interview with York University's radio station in the next few weeks...so stay tuned here for more info!!
Jeff has 2 films playing at film festivals this summer
1---"21fps" plays the Sprout film festival in New York city on Saturday May 6th 145pm at NYU's Cantor film centre. please check the website for more info www.gosprout.org
2---"Groomed" plays the Toronto worldwide short film festival on June 17th(7pm) and 18th(130pm) at the Isabel bader theatre at 93 charles st west
In addition, Jeff has finished scoring his 13th film-a short film for English director Samuel George and the British Film Council(director of "21fps") and will be starting on 3 more films this month-2 more short films and a 100 minute suspense/horror feature film. Jeff has also finished scoring a short film entitled "Elegant Assassin" a couple months ago and the film is now mixed and done!! Congratulations Steve!!
Jeff's new webpage is finally here--we hope you are enjoying it---more quicktime video of the films Jeff has scored will be appearing shortly. Meanwhile, jeff's cd is now available to purchase here--just click on the link. Jeff is quite busy promoting his classical cd and will be doing some solo piano classical/jazz concerts this summer so keep checking back for his piano recital dates!! If you see a review of Jeff's new 4 cd set, email us and let us know!!!In the meantime, spread the word about the new cd!! The cd will available to purchase at the Earshot Concert on Saturday, march 18th 8pm at the music gallery in toronto (197 john street--near queen and john--1 block north from muchmusic ) It will also be available at the Earshot Concerts fundraiser in April in Toronto (www.earshotconcerts.ca). Also, feel free to email CBC and request they play the cd--it's in the CBC library. More news coming soon!!
Feb 22nd 2006
Jeff' 4cd classical set is done and can be ordered right NOW!! Go to www.indiepool.com and go to the online store and search for jeff vidov You can order it here by sending a money order for $25 here in Canada ( to 136 cranbrooke ave-toronto,ontario, canada M5M-1M5)--$25 U.S money order anywhere in the U.S.A--and $25 U.S money order anywhere in Europe--the cd WILL be promptly mailed to you within a week. It is cheaper to order the cd with a money order than with your VISA card AND IT WILL GET TO YOU QUICKER!! The 4cd set has 76 tracks and has 5 hours of music-a complete track listing will appear here shortly as the website is revamped with a new look!!
Dec 2005-Jan 2006
Jeff's 4 cd classical cd is done-yes-FULLY done!! Work on the cd cover is half way completed-the cd will available for purchase online at the end of january here at this website AND at www.indiepool.com !The 4 cd's have about 5 hours and 15 minutes of music Total-each cd is 78 minutes
The 20 min short film "21 frames per second" by english director Samuel George has won an honorable mention at PTFF(picture this film festival-an international disability film festival) in Canada-it will also play the Calgary film festival in feb 2006 AND it will play in dec in the UK in "best in UK shorts" night-congratulations Sam!!
Jeff has started scoring his 12th film-a really scary/suspenseful 13 min short entitled "Elegant Assassin"-the film is in the Silence of the Lambs/Seven vein
Aug-Oct 2005
To join Jeff's mailing list, please email him at jvidov@sympatico.ca.Tell ALL your friends to check out jeff's music at these websites
Jeff now has a page on myspace.com AND purevolume.com ---you can hear rough mixes of a couple rock tunes that will be on his rock/pop 2 cd set that will be coming out in february 2006. Remember these are only ROUGH mixes(in other words, the songs are NOT completely done yet) of the songs for jeff's 2 cd set-the 2 cd set will contain 75 minutes of music on EACH cd!!!
Go to
If you can't find the page, then go to the MAIN SITE, then search for jeff vidov
Jeff's 4cd Classical cd set is ALMOST DONE!! hopefully it will be completed in about 2-3 weeks and then it will take another month to make the covers and print the cd's, so probably end of october!!
The film "21 Frames per second" that Jeff did the music score for, will play on July 24th at the Port Elliot literature festival(somewhere is england I hear) and Aug 4th at the Portobello film festival in London England. It will also play the Troma independent film festival Aug 25th in Edinburgh, Scotland. The film is a 20 min drama and has a piano/minimilistic type score
April/May 2005
One of jeff's songs was a finalist in the Unisong Songwriting competition in the U.S. Jeff was also a finalist in the 2000 competition. This song WILL be on Jeff's double rock cd, due nov 2005. Completion of Jeff's 4 cd classical piano cd will be done in about a month!!Also, the short film "Groomed" that jeff did the music for will play at the Miami gay and lesbian film festival between april22-may 1st. Hope you are all enjoying the warm weather
Feb/March 2004
We have reached 15,000 hits on the website---thank you to everyone who has visited to see what is up in Jeff's life
The short film "Ext Bench" that Jeff did the music for will play the cedar Rapids independent film festival TWICE on april 1st and 2nd-it was directed by Chris McInroy
There is a review of "Zombie Night" (90min horror movie that Jeff did the music for) in the recent issue of Fangoria magazine AND on their website www.fangoria.com-do a search for Zombie night on the site----they do give praise to the sound mix of the film
Earshot Concerts will be holding a fundraiser on Feb 25th----Earshot is a classical contemporary music group that puts on 7 classical concerts a year in Toronto-jeff is a member of the Board and records/mixes/masters all the concerts. Go to www.earshotconcerts.ca for more info
The short film "Groomed" that Jeff did the music for, will play at the World of Comedy International Film Festival in Toronto on feb 10th at 7pm. The film recently won the 20th Century Fox Farelly brothers award--go to www.scorchedfilms.com for complete info.
It will also play the follwing dates:
Feb-Atlantic City Film festival
March 2- National Screen Institute Film Exchange in Winnipeg, Canada
april 22nd---7th Annual Miami gay and lesbian film festival
In the meantime,jeff is hard at work finishing up his 4 cd classical cd AND his 2 cd rock album--------it's gonna ROCK!!-----and hopefully roll a bit too!!
Nov 2004
The short film "Groomed"(20 min-comedy) that Jeff scored has recently played at the ION film festival (Oct 29 in Culver City, CA) and the Calgary International Film Festival(Sept 26th) and the LA International short film festival(Sept 11th). Two feature length movies that Jeff scored the music for are being released in DVD this month and you can order the DVD's online. The first is "Zombie Night" a 90 minute zombie horror movie(not for children) is available at www.primalfilms.com. The second film is "Legally Desi" a 2 hour bollywood romantic comedy which is suitable for all ages-it will be available Nov 12th at www.legallydesifilm.com. Meanwhile, Jeff is adding some of his larger chamber clasical compositions to his classical piano cd!! The following pieces will be recorded in Nov to Jan, and will be on the cd---1)"Arise" 15 min for soprano and 8 players 2) jeff's 15 min string quartet in 3 mvts 3)Jeff's 15 min brass quintet in 3 mvts 3) Jeff's 2 mvt 10 min piece for trombone choir(8 trombones)and 3 or 4 smaller pieces--More updates coming soon
Sept 2004
The first Earshot contemporary music ensemble concert is Oct 7th and Oct 9th at the Music Gallery in Toronto--vist www.earshotconcerts.ca for more info-Jeff will be recording ALL the classical Earshot concerts this year.
Jeff is just finishing up the score for his 11th film--it's an 11 minute short drama entitled "Anthea"-and is a variation on a "Cinderella" type story about a nice girl, her evil mother, and a handsome "prince" who rescues her with his affections.
The last film Jeff scored the music for, for director Chris McInroy entitled "Ext Bench", will play at the Wild Rose Independent Film festival in Desmoines Iowa on Oct 3rd at 530pm-the film is 6 min long.--congratulations to Chris--the film is nominated for best sound and best editing
Also, the short film "Sherlock" (7 min long)that jeff did the music for will play the Austin Film festival in October as well.It played at the Gulf Coast film Festival in September
Here are show dates for the 20 min short film "Groomed" which jeff scored the music for(directed by Josph Raso):
Toronto Film Festival-tues Sept 14----845pm at the Cumberland
thurs Sept 16-----945am at the varsity
Past festivals that "groomed" has played at---
Sept 1st--Palm Springs festival of short films, Florida
Aug 20th-Las Vegas-hardrock cafe as part of the Freedom Film Festival
July 11th in Indianapolis at the Rathskellar theatre for the Freedom film festival
June 27th in Miami Beach at the Cinematique theatre for the Freedom film festival
May 2nd-in New York at the DGA theatre(w 67th St) for the Columbia University Film Festival and
June 2nd-3rd--in L.A for the Columbia University Film festival where it won best comedy and best short, AND won a faculty award
Sept/Oct 2004
Here's a recap of Jeff's past year/events:
Oct 2004
-"Ext bench" 6 min short film to play the Wild Rose film Festival
-"Sherlock" 7 min film to play the Austin Film festival
-Jeff will release his 3 cd classical piano cd
-Jeff becomes a Board Member for Earshot Concerts in Toronto-new music classical
concerts at the Music Gallery in Toronto-www.earshotconcerts.ca
June 2004
-"Zombie Night" 90 min horror film plays at the Cannes Film Festival
-"Ext.Bench" 5 min short film plays at the Cinevegas festival in Las Vegas
-"Spygames" and "Sports Compact Tv" are still on Tv after one full season
April 2004
-"Legally Desi" 2hr feature premieres with 5 showings in Chicago and once in New York and once in L.A for the New York Film and Video festival.
-"Perfect Sense" 20 min short Film wins best student short at the Cedar Rapids
Film Festival in Iowa
-Jeff scores 2 short films-"Groomed" 20 min comedy and "Sherlock" 7 min comedy
-"Groomed" wins best comedy/short film at the Columbia Film Festival at Columbia
University in new York
Jan-March 2004
-Jeff scores 3 films "Legally Desi", "21fps" and "Jar of Grasshoppers"
-Jeff records more rock songs for his upcoming rock album
Nov 2003
-Jeff's classical piano recital features 2 Beethoven Sonatas, 4 Chopin Nocturnes and 16 movements from Bach's Goldberg Variations-all are recorded for his upcoming classical piano cd recording
Oct 2003
-"Zombie Night" 90 min horror film premieres in Toronto
Aug/Sept 2004
The short 7 min film "Sherlock" that Jeff scored a few months ago will play the Austin Film Festival in October-the film was directed by Joshua Starnes. Jeff's 3 cd piano cd set is almost done-vocals are being recorded for some rock songs to be added at the end of the 3rd cd-also jeff is adding one of his bigger classical works entitled "Arise" for soprano and 8 players to the cd. Also Jeff is adding 3 songs from his world music project on the cd-the project is for classical/flamenco guitar/piano/orchestra/percussion. the guitar and percussion have to be recorded still.July 21st-2004
Jeff is near comletion of his piano cd!!!The finish line is in seeing range!!! It's gonna be 3 or 4 cd's-with 4 to 5 rock songs tagged on to the end to give everyone a preview of Jeff's upcoming 2 cd rock album-due this christmas. A couple of new films for Jeff to score and compose/record the music to are also expected in early August as well, so things are going well!! Hope you are all enjoying your summer!!!
June 2004
The 2nd movie that Jeff scored last year "Zombie Night" a 90 minute horror movie recently played during the Cannes Film festival. The film contains approxinately 70% of Jeff's music. Go to www.primalfilms.com for more info-the dvd is coming out soon Jeff has finished scoring his 10th film--It's a 5 minute short for Director Chris McInroy-this is the 3rd film jeff has done for Chris. It will be showing on June 17th at the Cinevegas film festival in Las Vegas. Check Chris' website for all the details and the trailer at www.needfundsfilms.com. Jeff is now fully concentrating on finishing the final touches for his 2 OR 3cd(!!!) solo piano classical cd. it will rock!!! (even though it's mostly classical. it WILL rock)
April/May 2004
Jeff is almost done his 2 cd solo piano recording!! It will have 17 selections from Bach's Goldberg Variations, 4 Brahms Intermezzi, some Chopin Nocturnes/Polonaises, several of jeff's improvisations as well as some other surprises-it should be released by the end of July Congratulations to Joseph Raso for his 20 minute film "Groomed" (music score by Jeff) won best short, best comedy and received a faculty award in New York at Columbia University-hope they all liked the music too!! "Sports Compact Tv" is still on the air!! The first season has now reached 26 episodes and airs on Sundays at 2pm on CH channel 11 here in Toronto. The magazine show covers cars and the people who supe up their cars. A lot of Jeff's music is used for the show, so check it out!!! "SPYGAMES" is also still showing on the Mystery Channel (channel 132 for those with satellite tv here in canada) and is on it's 7th!!! rerun of the 13 episode season!!!It's on every saturday at 1130am-730pm and 330am---------It ALSO airs on Sunday nights at 2 am on PRIME-owned by Global/Canwest (channel 54 in toronto-check listings inj your area) "Legally Desi" ( a 1hr45min bollywood style romantic comedy scored by Jeff) is playing at the New York Film and Video Festival on Sun, April 25th at 12pm (noon) at the Village East Cinema at 181 2nd avenue at 12th street in New York City. If you live in New York, go check it out!! The trailer and more info are at http://www.legallydesifilm.com "Legally Desi" is playing April 9-11th at the Desplaines Cinema in Desplaines Illinois--The 1hr45min comedy/drama film was scored by Jeff. Also the short film "Perfect Sense" is playing at the Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival April 2-3rd 2004 in Cedar Rapids Iowa. If you live near these cities, go check out the films!! Congratulations to Chris McInroy. Perfect Sense won best Student film at the festival!!! Jeff has currently finished working on his 8th film--the 20 min Canadian film "Groomed" which takes an interesting look at same sex marriage---it has some GREAT writing, and was directed by Joseph Raso Jeff's 9th film scoring job is "Sherlock", a 7min film about a guy who thinks he's Sherlock Holmes and helps the police solve a murder in modern America. It's pretty funny!!
March 2004
Legally Desi had it's World Premiere in L.A. at the New York Film and Video festival on March 7th at 9pm--it will also be playing in New York at the end of April. It will have its Chicago premiere on March 27th at 2pm at the Stokie theater (in Stokie, Illinois)---Go to www.legallydesifilm.com for more details. "Jar of Grasshoppers" will be playing at a short film festival at the end of March---more details coming----you can also see the trailers for the 2 films jeff has scored for director Chris McInroy at his website at http://www.needfundsfilms.com jeff will be starting to score his 8th film this month---it's a short film that has comedic/dramatic moments--more details coming soon
Jan-Feb 2004
The Bio/credits section has been updated with a COMPLETE list of all Jeff's film scores and links to websites!! Jeff has also recorded 4 cds of solo piano material for an upcoming 2 cd solo piano cd-Along with 15 improvised pieces in vaious classical/jazz/pop styles, Jeff has recorded 13 variations from Bach's Goldberg Variations-6 Chopin Nocturnes and 2 Polonaises-5 Beethoven Sonatas-2 Haydn Sonatas-2 Mozart Sonatas---so there is quite a bit of material to decide upon !!--release date is probably July 2004. Jeff has FINISHED work on the 3 new films he was working on in January!! The first film is called "Legally Desi" a 140 min Bollywood type romantic drama/comedy--website and the trailer are at http://www.legallydesifilm.com-----------As of Jan 22-2004-Legally Desi has been ACCEPTED into the NEW YORK FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL and will play there at the end of april--the website is www.nyfilmvideo.com---more info coming soon!!!! The second film is a 20 min quite drama for English director Samuel George that takes place in a London movie cinema. The third film is a 5 min drama by Las Vegas director Chris McInroy called "Jar of Grasshoppers" that just rocks. I will be adding Quicktime movie clips and making a dvd demo reel soon so you can all see some stuff!!
Oct 2003
JEFF VIDOV IN RECITAL-SAT, NOV 22 7PM----$10 ISLINGTON UNITED CHURCH----416-239-1131 Toronto, Canada 25 BIRNHAMTHORPE RD-corner of dundas and birnhamthorpe north of islington/bloor subway station------------------------- Beethoven sonatas, Chopin nocturnes, and 14 selections from Bach's Goldberg Variations reception/food/pizza to follow
Sept/Oct 2003 THE WORLD PREMIERE OF "ZOMBIE NIGHT" WILL HAPPEN AT THE BLOOR CINEMA AT BLOOR/BATHURST ON OCT 16 AT 9PM!!!!!!! IT WILL ALSO PLAY ON OCT 25TH AT 1130PM.HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!!!Jeff has finished scoring his 3rd movie and is moving on to scoring his 4th and 5th film this month. Movie #4 is a silent black and white film which will have wall to wall eerie music. Movie #5 is a 90 min comedy that will include Jeff's first attempts at rap music!! wow! Jeff will also be doing the orchestral score to the movie as well.A list of all the recording equipment at Jeff's studio is now up on the BIO page. AIRDATES for "SPYGAMES" are finally here! Jeff did most of the music for this magazine/docu show about spies in the cold war. The 1st episode of the 13 part show aired Sat, Aug 30 2003 at 1130am and 730pm AND 330am on channel 132(for those with digital)which is also called the Mystery Channel(owned by Global/Canwest here in Canada) It will be on every Saturday at those 3 different times-It should also be on Global Tv later in the fall. The other show that Jeff did some music for is called "Sports Compact Tv" which should be airing on TSN here in Canada-more info to come. Sport Compact Tv airs on CH 11 (channel 11 in Hamilton, Ontario) at 2 pm AND 630pm.June/July 2003
Jeff has finished scoring his 2nd movie(which features 70 min of music recorded and mixed in 7 days!!) and is now working on his 3rd film-a docu drama/comedy called Perfect Sense. The trailer for "Zombie Night" will be up soon at http://www.primalfilms.com-just follow the links. In other news, Jeff is doing ALL the music for the TV series "SPYGAMES" as well as some of the music for "Sports Compact Tv", a sports show about racing. Both shows will probably air on Global/TSN here in Canada in the next couple months. Airdates will be listed here.April 2003 Jeff has just started scoring his second movie! It's a zombie horror/action/drama film with some good dialogue, some gore and a lot of action. I will definately be putting some more film type music I have done up on this page for more of you to hear very soon-so stay tuned!
Feb 2003 Jeff has just finished scoring his first full length movie! It's called Pelican Daughters and runs 80 minutes. Jeff composed 60 min of music for the film and the soundtrack is available to purchase here. The score is mostly piano/strings and acoustic guitar based and is quite different from anything Jeff has done previously. To read more about the film go to http://www.pointblankpictures.com To purchase the soundtrack send $10 Canadian (inside Canada) or $13 U.S funds (outside Canada) to the address at the bottom of this page. Also , Jeff has finished recording the drums for 38 songs!! For Feb/March 2003 Jeff will concentrate on recording bass for the same songs. Guitars/keys will be done throughout the year and lyrics will be written this summer.
Nov 2002
I'm getting there! A couple songs for the cd are finished with vocals,while most of the others just need vocals to be recorded. In january, I'll be starting to record a 2 cd concept cd with Sean Brock on drums and Kevin Bailey on bass(yes, even though this cd isn't done yet, I'm recording the next one). Anyway I'll be adding some new songs to this page soon. The classical and world music section of this cd will be put on hold for a while until all the rock/pop stuff is done. Jeff;s 1998 independent 2.5 hour DOUBLE CD covers a wide range of musical styles.
He is currently promoting his music to classical orchestras, contemporary ensembles, music labels, publishers, and performers through the web, and mail in order to secure a publishing and distribution deal and get his music performed. Trained at the Eastman and Manhattan Schools of Music, Jeff Vidov's versatility in a wide range of musical styles can be sampled on this DOUBLE CD Divided into POP, JAZZ, and Classical sections interspersed with solo piano works, these Cd's feature lush pop songs with full rock band and orchestra, new jazz songs and an accomplished set of accompanying musicians. With Musical talents and interests ranging from jazz/classical piano, pop and big band music, eastern music, church organ, film scoring, and producing, Jeff's versatility has appealed to numerous audiences.
THREE TREES Jeff's latest work is a double CD. CD #1-total time=73 minutes POPTREE
1) Not Afraid-5:40JAZZTREE
2) Find What You Are-3:57
3) Today-4:32
4) Yonder Hills-3:49 +
5) Ponder-4:18 +
6) All We Are-4:50
7) Wait Fot The Sun-6:33 +
8) Rag-2:54 +WORLDTREE
9) The Lord Will Set Us Free-3:23
10) You're such a bigshot-3:03 +
11) Missisippi Brothel, 1845-6:49
12) Slamm!-5:30
13) Mystic Rime-6:11BONUSTREE
14) Tango This-5:35 +
15) Not Afraid-radio edit-3:26Cd#2-total time=72 minutes CLASSICALTREE
16) Find What You Are-instrumental-2:37 +=instrumental solo piano
String Quartet No.1
1) Vai-3:49-dedicated to Steve Vai
2) Mett-6:17-dedicated to Metallica
3) dream 12-4:19-dedicated to Arnold Schoenberg
4) AWAKEN-11:05 for full orchestra-Eastman Philharmonia
5) Cast-7:05 for guitar,piano and string quartet
6) Let the metal drop-5;03- for tuba and trombone
7) Bright Star-3:32 for soprano and piano
Two Fanfares for octet
8) Fanfare for the Court Jester-4:52
9) Fanfare for the Disco Dancer-4:22
Two Songs on text by John Keats-13:44
-for 3 sopranos, piano, vln, trb, and perc
10) Invocation to Pan-6:55
11) Ode on a Graecian Urn-6:44
12) Riders-for solo church organ-8:08
All Music, lyrics, vocal melodies, orchestrations, musical
arrangements, piano, church organ, and keyboards by Jeff Vidov
Copyright Jeff Vidov 1998- Music is registered with Socan in Canada
Solo and Duo works
1) Two Piano Pieces-4min
2) Bright Star-soprano and piano- 4 min
3) Let the metal drop-tuba and trombone -5 min
4) Let the metal blaze-violin and piano-7 min
5) Escaping Virtual Reality-trombone and piano-6 min
6) Mutilating Virtual Reality-tuba and piano- 5 min
7) Get 'em to suck it all- trombone and piano 6 min
8) Two Worlds- solo cello- 5 min
9) Repeat that and circle into your pit-marimba and violin-5 min Orchestral Works
1) Awaken- for orchestra 11 min
2) The Evil in this world is driving me mad- for large orchestra-15 min
3) A New Moon- for string orchesta 8 minChamber Works
1) String Quartet No.1 in 3 movements- 14 min
2) Wide Angles of the Mind-for brass quintet in 3 mvts-15 min
3) Two Fanfares for chamber ensemble- 9 min
-fl, clar, 2 tpts, ten trb, bass trb, vcl, db
4) Two songs on text by John Keats-14 min
-lead soprano, 2 sopranos, pn, vln, trb, perc
5) Two-for trombone choir in 2 mvts- 9 min
6) ARISE for soprano and octet in 3 mvts- 18 min
- sop, fl, clar, 2 tpts, perc, vcl, trb, pn
- text by the composer
- 2nd mvt is instrumental and can be performed separately
Contact Jeff at:
Jeff Vidov
136 Cranbrooke Ave
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5M 1M5
In the U.S please send $15 (U.S.)
In Canada send $16 (Canadian)

Music Published by SOCAN/BMI
Member of
Grammy Awards Association
CARAS (Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences)
Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television
Canadian League of Composers
Guild of Canadian Film Composers
Board Member-Earshot Concerts
CMRRA (Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency)